Stanislav Skobelev

Lives and creates in Moscow. Member of Moscow Artists Union, participant in regional, sectional and personal exhibitions. Decorates Moscow main streets and squares.  His paintings are on private collections in many countries, a few of this works belong to the Moscow History Museum.

Old Moscow


Outside Moscow


Now & Then…


Art Shop

Have a look

History in every brush stroke    

Stanislav Skobelev is the master of details which create a special mood and atmosphere on canvas. His cityscapes invite viewers to see the history of Moscow, feel the city spirit and engage with culture and traditions of the epoch.

His talent is well recognized. Some of his artwork belongs to private collectors and a few are owned by the Moscow History museum. 

Every painting has a story 

Stanislav Skobelev’s virtual art gallery offers a unique opportunity to see his works from cityscapes to stilllifes. The artist continues his art path to share his love and appreciation of life, art values and his love to a home city Moscow. This virtual gallery invites you to enjoy beautiful scenes saturated with color and energy.